The month of February triggers ideas of Valentine’s Day, love, and hearts. So in honor of your heart, feed your body heart healthy foods for a stronger and longer life. Heart healthy diets include a large variety of fruits and vegetables, extra fiber, omega-3 fats, low amounts of saturated and trans fat, and limited cholesterol. Read up for tips, facts, and fun!


Red wine and other alcoholic beverages have been the subject of heart disease research. While the answers aren’t yet conclusive, it appears that moderate alcohol consumption may help reduce heart disease risk. This potential benefit is not a reason to start drinking. The research reports that moderate amounts of alcohol, one to two drinks per day, can help increase HDL cholesterol and may slow formation of LDL, the bad cholesterol. Alcohol consumption was part of a routine that included a low-fat eating plan and regular physical activity, two habits anyone can benefit from. Alcohol has its negatives too – increases the risk of cancer, and furthermore, be a spoke in the wheel to weight loss goals.


More and more research is looking at compounds in foods that may maximize health. Until research makes a positive conclusion, don’t deviate from the tried and consume a wide variety of natural foods meaning fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein.


Here’s the NEWS:

A fact is a fact, and an important fact to note is that heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women today in the United States.

Many factors play a part of heart failure, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, lack of exercise, diabetes, alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Guess what?? These are all factors that you can help tackle in your daily agenda to strengthen your heart. By making a few adjustments, you can add years on to your life. Be conscious of the foods you choose to eat, quit smoking, and drink only 1-2 drinks per day at the most. Choose red wine instead of a beer, which will provide antioxidants to your diet.  Instead of eating fast food on lunch break, pack a healthy delicious lunch, and ride a bike around the park instead of going to the movies and eating a bucket of popcorn.

Olive Oil

When one typically thinks of “fat”, misconstrued thoughts come to mind. In fact, the body needs fat, and we all know that food tends to taste better with a little added fat. When cooking, replace your butter and margarine with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and receive not only a tasty product, but also essential fatty acids that the body needs.

Olive oil is a natural juice and can be directly consumed after being pressed from the fruit. It has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidative substances thought to decrease the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol offering protection against heart disease.

Key Nutrients and Food Sources:

  • Omega 3 (Salmon, flaxseed, walnuts)
  • Vitamin C (Oranges, apples, etc.)
  • Fiber (whole wheat, brown rice, cereal, broccoli)
  • B Vitamins (Meats)
  • Flavonoids (antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and wine)


Studies show that by exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day, you can decrease risks of having heart problems!!

Your heart rate is the key to exercising at the right intensity (heart rate zone).

Some heart rate zones are more effective for burning fat, others for improving performance and stamina. Once you determine your fitness goals, a heart rate monitor will allow you to achieve them by helping you stay in your best heart training zone.

A general formula

for fat-burning mode:

75% – 80%  of  (220 – your age)

eg. For 33 year old:  mid of range:

220 – 33 = 187;  

75% of 187

 is  140 beats/min


Need a Quick Snack?

Make your own TRAIL MIX, and pick your own ingredients for a healthy on-the-go snack with protein, healthy fats, antioxidants. Add:

  •  1 cup unsalted sunflower seeds 1 cup peanuts,
  •  1 cup dried fruit (cranberries, prunes, pears, etc.)
  • ½ cup raisins
  • ½ cup DARK chocolate chips.


Heart Healthy  Delicious Recipe

It’s recommended to eat fish at least 2 times per week to lower blood pressure and triglycerides.

Salmon with Cilantro Pesto

  • 4 Salmon Filets, rinsed and patted dry
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds


  • 1/2 cup loosely packed fresh cilantro
  • 3 tablespoons fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons sliced almonds
  • 2 tablespoons shredded or grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon salt-free garlic-herb seasoning blend


Preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil or lightly spray with cooking spray.   In a food processor or blender, process the pesto ingredients for 15 to 20 seconds, or until slightly chunky. Place the fillets about 2 inches apart on the baking sheet. Spread the pesto evenly over the top of the fillets. Sprinkle almonds on top.  Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.

Nutritional Content Per Serving:

206 Calories, 9.5 gm Fat, 28 gm Protein, 66 mg Cholesterol, 129 mg Sodium


Decadent yet still healthy Dessert

(Chocolate Dipped Strawberries)


1 lb of medium-sized whole strawberries

4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate

Microwave chocolate in a glass bowl, stopping after 30 seconds, then every 10 seconds until almost melted. Stir until smooth and glossy. Wash strawberries and pat them dry (any moisture from the fruit will spoil the texture of the melted chocolate).Dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate, covering the lower half of the strawberry. Place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Per Strawberry:    Calories 48,  Fat 2g,  Sat Fat  1.1g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 0mg. Carbohydrate 6.8g, Fiber 1.1g, Pro 0.5


Cook a simple but special low fat dinner for your Valentine instead of eating a high-fat, high calorie meal at an expensive restaurant. It’s well known that it’s easier to cook low fat at home than it is to eat low fat at many restaurants.

But if you’re a little nervous about making a special meal for your loved one, just remember to keep things as simple as possible. Valentine’s Day is probably not the best time to see if you can flambé bananas or try your first ever soufflé. Take advantage of the fact that many appetizers and desserts can be prepared ahead of time, so you don’t have to feel under so much pressure. If your sweetheart truly loves you, then serving his or her favorite (low fat) home-style dish by candlelight, with some mood-enhancing music in the background, may be all that’s needed for a memorable evening. (Follow the simple, healthy, delicious recipes in this addition to help complete the purrr-fectt,  heart healthy meal.




Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD (a partner in crime)

Just the other day I was pleased to see a whole bunch of 5:00am-ers waiting for the gym doors to open. The regulars were there too, most of them with their eye roll to one another (translation: “these new folk will be gone before the next cold days emerges”).

According to Time.Com. the most broken resolutions are related to diet and exercise.  So why then do people keep making the same resolutions and breaking them year after year? More importantly, what can we do to make this year different?

So how well did you fare?… as we are heading towards the end of January, the 5:00 am line at my gym has petered down to the regulars. I guess I am preaching to the choir (talking to dedicated athletes does have more of a curve shift) however, are your triathlon goals still in check?

With February being on the horizon, this may be the best time to reevaluate what your goals are.  Maybe you set yourself up to fail with an unrealistic outcome.  Losing 20lbs in a month doesn’t really seem reachable after reality sets in.  It’s ok to modify your resolution and make a goal that is achievable.

Depending on your answers to above, it may be time to step up a new plan of attack. You do not have to wait for New Year to resolve.

Here are some triathlete specific examples:

  1. Partners in Crime

Get some help.  Knowing that someone will be there with you results in a sense of accountability.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, especially if you have been racing and training hard for some time and have reached burnout.  You can’t have a friend be at every training session or watch everything you eat but working with an expert can help with this solution.  Studies from the American Psychology Association have shown that using partners enhance success. A coach can help with sticking to a plan, or a nutritionist can help make a realistic meal plan and most importantly help implement it.

  1. Race specifics

Have you been contemplating the challenge of taking on a longer distance or more challenging race?

Perhaps you have already accomplished sprints and Olympics but the 70.3 or full ironman seems too much to take on. Or even if you have completed the distances, a more challenging course or different destination looms on your mind. You will not check off that box until you commit, establish your goal, and implement.

Don’t forget, the more endurance you decide to take on, the more important sports nutrition and other supporting tools become. There is a whole new realm optimal race weight, eating for competing, and fuel and recovery as you head towards ultra-distances, therefore see #1 (partners in crime).

  1. Resolve on your performance hindrances

For every athlete, there are always areas that need improvement, Particularly with triathletes who tend to focus on swim, bike and run and neglect other areas such as

  • Haphazard nutrition (of course I am biased about this one)
  • Unnecessary body weight (yes, this one too)
  • Rest and recovery (and yes, there is a nutrition spin in here too)

And then some training areas that can always use some extra resolutions:

  • Core strength
  • Flexibility
  • The challenge of the hill/mountain
  • Rest and recovery
  • Random training (goes hand in hand with nutrition being haphazard)
  • Limited knowledge

And then there is mileage. Perhaps putting in the necessary mileage week after week could be a great resolution, merely because we tend to get bored and cut workouts short.  Determine the mileage necessary to hit each week and improve on the limiting factor.


  1. Resolve your performance challenges

Once you are a regular and comfortable triathlete, a great resolution could be to challenge performance levels. Some good examples are:

Hit certain PRs

Place in age group

Complete a run portion in a challenging minute per mile

Complete a bike portion with a higher than your typical average miles per hour

Be the first out of the water in age group

Aim for a Boston qualifier or a Kona place

  1. Deal with burn out

It may be the case where life over and above triathlon may have taken a backseat. Some may resolve merely to regroup on motivation, enjoyment, and inspiring others within the sport.

For many, a great resolution to consider would be to be relieved of the stress of competing and focus on the enjoyment of the training and thus completing without the competitive anxiety.

Some ideas here may involve connecting a race with a fund raiser and focus on raising money for a good cause. Or merely involve your family in a relay event.

Burnout may also be related to insufficiency of the right nutrients or over abundance of the wrong fuel sources. Work on meal planning (and again, see #1: Partners in crime).


Tips for success:

  1. Plan ahead

Every good triathlon plan includes set goals, objectives, training hours, race priorities, etc. Coaches and sports nutritionists are on board to help and they will insist the plan is set up in the early stages of training for a target race.

  1. Be SMART about your goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and T

For example:

A resolution of “lose weight” is not specific.  A specific goal would look more like “hit my target weight before my first A race”.

A resolution of “have more fun” is indefinable. It may be better to state a stress-free environment, with a focus on social aspect of your tri club for example.

  1. Maintain Positivity

For example: “do not mess up swim to bike transition” phrase rather as Transition one in under 5 minutes

OR “do not get injured” should be stated as follow designed coaching and nutrition plan to avoid injury.


  1. If you want to accomplish a goal – share it!

The odds of success for any goal is if others know what you are aiming to accomplish. Not only is there a backup support system, but there is also the commitment and accountability once it is aired.


Happy February y’all…. Now get on it and get your partners in crime lined up!!

Low Carb equals Low Energy

We have been  living in a low carb revolution, but thank goodness it is slowly emerging back to normal. Dr. Atkins was one of the for fathers of this phenomenon. One cannot leave out Barry Sears of The Zone fame, either and somewhat more recently, The South Beach diet, and Paleo diet, for the continued population growth of the carb-limiting fanatics. They are still out there, I come accross it in my practice everyday. But with the emergence of more endurance athletes, and triathlon, there is more of a focus on a balanced amount of good carbs with an appropriate amount of good protein, for good reason.

Books like Dr. Atkins, The Zone, Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, and the South Beach Diet claim that we can blame the obesity epedemic in America on carbohydrates. These low carb philosophies claim that certain carbohydrates cause a quick rise in blood sugar which in turn raises insulin levels. They further claim that insulin leads to weight gain by either being a promoter of stored fat or by reactive lowered blood sugar level, stimulating hunger, and thus encouraging over consumption of calories. Unfortunately, it is in our culture to grasp on to quick fixes. Granted, there are metabolic reasons why one can lose “weight” on high protein (low carb) diets, which has thus claimed this carb-restriction revolution. Publishers and marketers knows what sells resulting in the low carbohydrate diets being popularized without detailed evidence of their efficacy or long term safety and athletes are getting caught up in the low carb frenzy. The quick weight loss from limiting carbohydrates is just that – a quick fix. Athletes however, should really take note how surprisingly few scientific-based studies have shown how different carbohydrates affect weight loss. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence that a rise in blood sugar that comes from eating carbohydrates leads to an insulin increase, or that higher insulin causes people to overeat.

Although these quick fixes, regardless of the lack of scientific knowledge, are welcomed amongst significantly overweight, sedentary people, they were not designed to supply the nutrition for active people who need to support exercise and training. While low carb, quick weight-loss results are welcomed, athletes should regard these same “quick fixes” as lost energy. The initial and rapid weight loss from low-carb diets can be explained as glycogen depletion and loss of water weight. Glycogen (immediate source of energy in muscle) in the body is stored with 3 grams of water. So, each gram of carbohydrate energy, then, accounts for 4 grams of body weight. By limiting carbohydrates, glycogen will be used as energy first. For an athlete, glycogen depletion can take as little as a few hours, whereas for a sedentary person, glycogen depletion can take up to a few days.

Once glycogen stores are depleted, the body seeks out fat and protein sources for energy. First it turns to protein, converting amino acids from muscle tissue into glucose in the liver. This process is relatively slow and can produce only enough carbohydrate to fuel the brain and nervous system. Without ingestion of additional carbohydrate, ketone bodies (byproducts of fat metabolism) are produced and released into the bloodstream. A state of ketosis is induced. Ketosis is explained as an increase in ketone levels. Ketones in the bloodstream does suppress the appetite, but is also be accompanied by undesirable side effects, such as nausea, headaches, fatigue, and breath that smells like ammonia. Athletes on low-carb diets have difficulty sustaining even moderate intensity workouts of 50-65% of max heart rates when ketone levels are elevated.

In summary, the low carb philosophies demand a restriction of the very elements that athletes need to powers muscle with energy – digestible, usable, and absorbable carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is fuel for muscles that can be burned quickly, providing the power for acceleration and high performance.


1.Advances in Sports Nutrition. Journal of American Medical Association. JAMA 2003;289:1837-1850.

2.How net carbs can hurt athletes. Ashley Kipp. Published on trainright.com, accessed October 2004. 3.Weighing the Diet Books. Nutrition Action. January 2004, volume 31:1.



Everywhere you go, you can’t help but nibble on rich holiday treats. A typical holiday meal can be 4000-5000 calories. To make matters worse, activity drops because we’re indoors. Consequently, most of us put on several pounds during the holiday season.

But weight gain does not have to be inevitable. You can compensate for eating high calorie meals by increasing your activity and making
wise food choices when possible. For instance, it’s easy to rake up the calories when eating snacks. Choose raw vegetable and fresh fruit with
low-calorie dressings instead of cheese spreads or high-calorie dips.

When it comes to eating meats, choose turkey breast without the skin. The skin on turkey can add 200 extra calories to meat that is
fairly lean to begin with. Avoid fatty gravies; instead opt for natural cooking juices that have been de-fatted. Limit yourself to one casserole-type potato or vegetable dish – most casseroles tend to be high in cals. When it comes to dessert, choose fruit or pumpkin pie over pecan pie. Desserts made with graham cracker crusts are generally lower in fat, making them a better choice.than desserts with traditional piecrusts.

SO Ho, Ho, Ho! Tis the season of giving, receiving, and of course, feasts. Holidays revolve around food and family. Although this season represents serious temptation for a dieter, following these tips will help you succeed instead of “starting over” after the New Year.

REMEMBER – Its a HoliDAY  Not a HoliMONTH

Get Moving

When you’re busy  with your wrapping of  gifts, last minute shopping, cooking, entertaining…don’t forget about your exercise routine. Try
something new with your family and friends this year—get outside and be active. It’s fun, it’s festive, and it’s a great calorie burner. Winter brings unique exercise opportunities that you can’t experience any other time of year with such activities of:

– Burn 84 calories ice skating for 10 minutes.

– Burn 96 calories playing hockey for the same amount of time.

– Cross-Country skiing is one of the best all-around exercises out there.

– Burn 96 calories in 10 minutes while working both your upper and lower body.

– Using a snow blower burns 54 calories in 10 minutes while shoveling snow burns 72.

– Another great winter exercise is Snow Shoeing. You can burn 96 calories in 10 minutes.

So here’s to hoping for a White Christmas

AND… a another brilliant idea

This year, try speed shopping…. Lace up those sneakers and move! Before you know it your shopping will be done.

Healthy Gift Ideas 

If you have a beloved family member or a friend that is looking to get on the track to a  better/healthier  way of life, why
not help nurture them healthy gifts to guide them in the right direction:

  • Water Bottles.  Reusable metal water bottles offer a healthy alternative to the temptation of sugary drinks.
  •  Lunch Bags. Thermal bags are a fun way to pack healthy fare and save calories and money.
  •  Sports Gear. New gear can energize even a reluctant exerciser.  Buy wicking
    athletic wear, like socks or shirts, which can make exercising comfortable in any climate.
  • Or even a nutrition consult gift certificate  😉



Around this time of year, everyone invites you to lunch—friends, family, and co-workers. From heavy
Italian sauces to tacos, you know your diet is going to go downhill before you walk in the restaurant. Stay away from anything that says:

  •  Creamy, Crispy, or Fried. Order your sauces on
    the side, and ask for a box before your meal begins.
  •  Put half of the meal into the box before you start eating. That way, you can still be a part of the clean plate club without overeating.

Go Green on Christmas

So often, gifts are given merely for the sake of giving and little thought goes into something that will be made use of. Here are some ideas for green gifts, as well as making time with your loved ones as eco-friendly as possible:

  • Avoid using packing peanuts to package gifts, as these are toxic to the environment. Rather use recycled paper to stuff inside boxes.
  • Should batteries be needed for gifts, consider giving rechargeable batteries with a charger along with the gift.
  • Avoid wrapping paper by using reusable bags that the recipient can make use of at a later stage.
  • Consider giving a gift certificate for a local spa or natural health and wellness centre or NUTRITIONIST.

Holiday Parties

If you don’t eat all of your host’s offerings, you feel rude…but you know just looking at them puts a pound on each thigh!

  • Make sure you grab a quick snack before the party starts, so you won’t feel famished.
  • Decide ahead of time how many cookies you’re going to have. Make up for the extra calories through the rest of the day—eat an open-face sandwich with only one piece of bread and have some salsa on your baked potato instead of sour cream and butter.
  • Make your own healthy foods to bring to the party. At least you’ll know there is something there that won’t blow your diet.

Christmas Fun fact

December 25 officially became the day for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus around the fifth century. The Romans held winter
festivities and feasts around that time, including the “Yule” holiday, which involved setting large fires. The traditions merged as time
passed, bringing us the Yule log and the special importance placed on food.


Low Fat Cream of Pumpkin Soup (Serves 6)

1 tbsp olive oil

1 small yellow onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp curry powder

1 tsp cumin

3 cups fat-free, low sodium chicken broth

1  15-ounce can pumpkin

1  12-ounce can evaporated fat-free milk

Freshly  ground Black pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large saucepan over a    medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook
until softened. Stir in curry powder and cumin and cook for 1 minute. Add
chicken broth and pumpkin. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.

Add evaporated fat-free milk and cook for 2minutes. Transfer soup to a blender and blend until smooth.

Per Serving: Calories 112, Calories from Fat 25, Total Fat 2,7g (sat 0.5g), Cholesterol 2mg, Sodium 101mg



Energy Balls with a twist of coconut

A couple of energy balls are a perfect go to snack in the middle of an afternoon slump, or actually… whenever 😉


½ c oats

1 scoop  (¼ c) of vanilla whey

2 Tbsp honey

1 tsp almond extract

½ c peanut butter (or almond butter (or nut/seed butter of choice))

½ c unsweet coconut (shredded)

1 Tbsp coconut oil

3 tsp of dark chocolate chips


Mix all the ingredients together. Roll into balls with diam. about tip of thumb size.