Happy New Year! Yes, another year, another resolution. Are you like the majority of promise-makers? Most people resolve to improve health and fitness.  The following consistently appear at the top of NEW YEARS resolution surveys: Lower my risk for the nation’s three top killers — heart disease, cancer, and stroke.   How – engage in 45-60 mins. of moderately-intense activity (e.g. brisk walking, cycling, jogging or swimming) on most days of the week, supplement with a healthy diet. Sharpen my mind and improve my mood.   How – engage in 45-60 mins. […]

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  September is a tribute to our neighbors south of us. Mexico is a country with very beautifully rich history, from its people to…well it’s food. Mexican food is a mainstay  for Americans but it can be very rich in calories, fat & sugars. Here are some ideas to both enjoy the wonderful  cuisine while staying healthy…Enjoy!  Cinnamon Up Your Life  Cinnamon is a very common spice used in Mexican cuisine. There have been many studies discovering the many possible benefits of cinnamon such as: glucose metabolism, antiseptic powers against […]

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Tips to avoid gastrointestinal distress for training/racing

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD If you think you are alone when your first focus for any race is gastrointestinal distress, you are not. Are you always plotting your day based on where the bathrooms are going to be (even the ones along the course), or always having to get to races early knowing that you will be standing in the line multiple times, and do you plan your training days around where the pit stops have to be.  Believe it or not, athletic GI distress affects more than 60% […]

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Eat to beat Cramps

The physiology of cramps can be complex. Nutrition may or may not have a role to play behind the why!! Stretching out and massaging muscles can certainly be a good start but this is often NOT enough, since electrolyte balance plays a major role in muscle function and recovery. Key nutrients include sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium. On a personal level, having participated in master’s swim meet, while training for Ironman races, it is not uncommon for me to observe swimmers gathering at the lanes end in-between sets to […]

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Emotional Eating: Awareness and Control

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD Emotional (or stress) eating has always been a hot topic, mainly because one can find themselves turning to the pantry or fridge for a source of comfort, even though the appetite stimulant hormones are not active. How it can be controlled, comes with an understanding of what it is and why it happens and then developing an appropriate strategy on how it can be controlled. Recognizing signs of emotional eating may seem obvious, like feelings of stress, anger, or sadness drives you to eat.  Underlying […]

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Miraculous Magnesium

The USA has the highest rate of dairy consumption, yet it also has the highest rate of osteoporosis. Does this not seem preposterous? It was this observation that got me reanalyzing some metabolic pathways involving calcium. During this research, I also noticed a high percentage of my clients that report calcium supplementation recommended by their doctors. I certainly agree that calcium supplementation has its place in our diet, but only if calcium sources are limited. How I arrived at this premise is described here, and it involves a trace mineral […]

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June 2023– newsletter

Nutrition for Beauty According to the Georgian calendar, which is used over most of the world today, June is the sixth month. On the Roman calendar, it was considered the fourth month and had only 29 days. Julius Ceasar gave the month 30 days in 46 B.C., when he reformed the Roman calendar. Spring ends and summer begins around June  21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the time that the flowers are beautiful. It is especially the month for roses. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at this time and […]

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Go with your Gut   –   GI Distress from a different perspective

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD Since a big part of my work with athletes involves reducing the risk of Gastrointestinal (GI) distress I thought a different perspective of the GI environment and how to nurture it would be rather informative.  The organisms and their metabolic processes themselves, the majority of which live in the colon, are referred to as microbiome and they dramatically effect human health in general, not just for athletism. The microbiome is made up of trillions of microorganisms ranging between bacteria, fungi, viruses, and others., all of […]

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February is often associated with Valentines; in February I usually focus on “heart health”  for my newsletter theme. Whoever coined the phrase “You are what you eat” was rather insightful, because much of what you eat can be a life or death matter. I cannot stress enough that proper nutrition should be the highest priority to help reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Taking a look at the food you eat is like taking an inside look […]

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ILANA KATZ MS, RD, CSSD Remaining hydrated is a key element to optimal performance.  Even a 1-2% drop in body weight due to fluid loss can drastically affect endurance. As a sports nutritionist, I train many athletes to be aware of the importance of hydration. However, to simply have the fluid available is no good if it is not consumed. So although this topic may be a tangent to sports nutrition itself, it may offer some great tips, particularly beginners who may either struggle with balance on the bike, or […]

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