You Truly Do Great Work


I just wanted to thank you and let you know that I did reach the goal we set of getting to 210 pounds by the beginning of the year. I was just shy of hitting it on New Year’s Day, but I reached the goal when I did my weekly weigh-in yesterday, Jan. 5.

Thanks so much for your guidance, I know I could not have done it without you.

My new goal is to get to under 200 pounds, by Valentine’s Day. That will give me about 5 and a half weeks to lose 11 pounds.

Let me know if this is realistic and safe, if not I can rethink this.

I plan to meet with you once I’m driving again. Right now I’m off the road until I can come up with the money to get my car fixed. Hopefully that won’t be too much longer. The good thing is chasing down MARTA buses is great cardio. = ).

I’ll be in touch with you soon and hope all is well.

Thanks again. Brandy Wilson

P.S. I saw that Intern Jen from the Bert Show was in a magazine for losing all that weight for the wedding. She looked awesome. You truly do great work.

Your Face is So Slender

Hi Ilana

I just ran into a lady at work that I haven’t seen in a while and she said “wow, it looks like you have lost a bunch of weight- your face is getting so slender”


Feeling great- thanks for all you do!!!!!


Easy To See Why You Have a Waiting List

Hello Ilana,

Thank you so much for talking to the Entrepreneurial Nutrition class tonight. Your presentation was very inspiring and your passion for nutrition was very obvious.

It’s easy to understand why you have a waiting list of clients. We do appreciate that you took time our of your very busy schedule to share your success story with the students. Good luck as your career continues to blossom. Cathy

I Fit Into My Wedding Dress

Hi Ilana!

I know that you have go to be super busy now that Phil’s picture has been posted on Q100.  Great job by the way!  Phil looks fantastic!

I also want to say thank you so much for all of your help with my goal.  I did reach my goal of 115 lbs by the wedding (which I was ecstatic about!).  It made such a difference.  And my results seem to have paid off for you, as it seems as though there are quite a few people

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