You Truly Do Great Work


I just wanted to thank you and let you know that I did reach the goal we set of getting to 210 pounds by the beginning of the year. I was just shy of hitting it on New Year’s Day, but I reached the goal when I did my weekly weigh-in yesterday, Jan. 5.

Thanks so much for your guidance, I know I could not have done it without you.

My new goal is to get to under 200 pounds, by Valentine’s Day. That will give me about 5 and a half weeks to lose 11 pounds.

Let me know if this is realistic and safe, if not I can rethink this.

I plan to meet with you once I’m driving again. Right now I’m off the road until I can come up with the money to get my car fixed. Hopefully that won’t be too much longer. The good thing is chasing down MARTA buses is great cardio. = ).

I’ll be in touch with you soon and hope all is well.

Thanks again. Brandy Wilson

P.S. I saw that Intern Jen from the Bert Show was in a magazine for losing all that weight for the wedding. She looked awesome. You truly do great work.