What is Metabolic Boost

What is the Metabolic Boost program and what will it do for you?

Plainly put, the Metabolic Boost program will make you leaner.

Do you have a friend who seemingly eats what he wants and never gains a pound? Have you ever heard yourself say “well he has a high metabolism”? Metabolic Rate (that “high metabolism”) does vary across the population. But we can show you how to raise your metabolism IF you are willing to take action.

What are your goals?

  • to be a leaner, faster athlete?
  • to look good in a bikini?
  • to bring down your numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure…)? or
  • to burst with energy and confidence?

These are some of the goals that the Metabolic Boost program has helped others just like you achieve.

train your body to keep itself lean

The Metabolic Boost program is uniquely designed to raise your metabolism. By boosting your metabolism – rather than starving yourself – you train / condition your body to keep itself lean.

Rather than take a quick fix approach or have you run yourself silly to lose 10 pounds we set you on a lifetime of success by teaching you scientifically how to boost your metabolism.

Read on to discover:

  • Why the program was developed,
  • How it was developed,
  • What it means to you,
  • How you can get started with your own program.

Why the Metabolic Boost Program was developed

Ilana Katz, founder of ONForLife and developer of the Metabolic Boost program,  has a Master’s Degree of Science in Nutrition and Metabolism. As a Registered / Licensed Dietitian who is a Certified Specialized Sports Dietitian, Ilana realized that her clients needed more than vague recommendations from the USDA Food Pyramid.

Many of you who know Ilana will be shocked to learn that her first career was as a highly successful computer programmer. So successful that a US company lured her away from her native South Africa to work in the US. It was while she was working in the US that Ilana was able to pursue her lifelong passion for dietetics and nutrition. She had wanted to study dietetics at university in South Africa but the university was not near her hometown. While US students merrily trip halfway across the country to attend university, it simply isn’t done in South Africa. So, putting aside passion for pragmatism, Ilana studied computer science.

Luckily for us, Ilana quickly realized that in the US, she could study at night and pursue her dream. She soon was accepted into the prestigious dietetics program and left her full time job to pursue her full time dream.

As she was finishing her Master’s Degree, her professors and advisors cautioned her against following her vision and starting her own practice. It simply isn’t done, they said. Ilana proved them wrong. Immediately after graduating she started her professional practice and was quickly succesful.

She developed her own program based on years of her experience as an athlete and lifelong “dieter” and her extensive graduate studies and internships. Within no time, clients were successful with the Metabolic Boost Program.

How the Metabolic Boost Program was developed

First Ilana did extensive literature research of current weight management scientific-evidence based studies to get a baseline of what worked.

Next, Ilana interviewed many appropriately credentialed professionals, such as registered dietitians, certified nutritionists, and weight management specialists to determine their most successful nutrition strategies.

Ilana’s next step was to survey a combination of dieters, triathletes, elite athletes, and other physically active people that had successfully obtained and maintained optimal body composition goals to see what worked for them.

Ilana then tested this nutrition strategy on various willing subjects, ranging from people with weight management goals to elite athletes to determine potential success. All subjects had customized meal plans based on their unique goals and energy requirements.

The optimal nutrition strategy was then tweaked based on progression of the test subjects, as well as their feedback and physical activity performance.

The results were fed into the hugely successful Metabolic Boost program.

What this means for you

Through the benefit of Ilana’s research and experience, you can finally crack the code on getting lean. We aren’t saying it is going to be easy (simple isn’t easy) and at times you might think Ilana is the food police (trust us when we say she doesn’t like being the food police) but she is committed to your success and whatever it takes….

When you get started with your personalized Metabolic Boost program , you are taking the first step to becoming lean and strong.

How the Metabolic Boost Program is delivered

The Metabolic Boost program is delivered in more than one way to suit your style and budget.

The Metabolic Boost program consists of customized, personalized nutritional coaching.

We begin by analyzing your unique situation –

  • When you join we set up your initial consultation. The initial consultation consists of an analysis of your current nutrition. An accurate analysis allows us to pinpoint your starting point. This analysis helps us see where you are missing the mark vis-a-vis your body composition goal.
  • In your initial consultation we discuss lifestyle issues such as:
    • an analysis of your current lifestyle,
    • how much are you working out ?
    • do you travel for work?
    • what have you tried before?
    • do you like to cook?
  • body fat testing (if applicable)

We then return to you a customised meal plan based on your goals, needs, and lifestyle and based on our proven, scientific philosophies. You will walk away from this session with recipes, meal plans, motivation and will power.

Our individualised meal plans use real food; we are not selling you products. We take you by the hand and show you how to shop, what to buy, what foods to choose; in summary – meal planning.

Or not. You can simply follow the sports training meal plan or the vegetarian meal plan or the diabetic meal plan that we create for you. (DISCLAIMER: We don’t agree with putting you on a diet as such. Our meal plans are convenient when you are first starting but our aim is to ultimately teach you a lifestyle and how to make good choices. Of course if you want you can continue to pay us to do it for you.)

We give you grocery lists and recipes. Now we are busy people; rest assured our recipes are simple. You don’t need to be Martha Stewart to get the food on the table.

Our meal plans incorporate your whole life. Travelling for business? Check out our restaurant guide and travel guide. In a hurry? Check out our fast food guide.

Are you an athlete training for a race? We will design a plan that prepares you for and recovers you from training. Your plan will incorporate whatever supplements you are currently using.

How you can get started with the Metabolic Boost Program

Your first step is to create an account with us. With this free account you get access to some of our members-only material and open a dialogue for you to see what we are all about.

If you know now that you want to change your body composition and create your own Metabolic Boost program, you will first create an account and then select your Metabolic Boost coaching package. You will decide how much coaching you need. Don’t worry it will be explained on the next page, we can talk about it, you can change your mind.

By following our metabolic boost program you will effect long term change. Our clients have PRd, qualified for KONA, fit into their wedding dress, got off medication. What can the program do for you?