Time to Chime on the Time to Shine                                                                     Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD As we start off a new decade, many are making resolutions for the new year and the new “you” and then many become “resolutioner” haters simultaneously. I have been seeing both sides and wanted to chime in with my own $0.02 worth. There are many polls that throw out stats of how many people tend to make new years resolutions (it so happens an average of ~50% of Americans make new year’s resolutions based on weight, fitness […]

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Principles for a Healthy Lifestyle and Optimal Weight

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD Researched and accepted dietary principles may guide the individual to finding a healthy and appropriate lifestyle for themselves. I have laid out a few of these that within my studies, experience and analysis of current articles in peer-reviewed journals with an understanding that each human is unique. Unique in their metabolism/physiology, in their emotional and stress (psychology) and in their struggles and challenges with daily living.  Therefore, it goes without saying that there is no single “diet” or “lifestyle” that works for the masses. Each […]

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Did you know that most recreational athletes that sign up for an endurance endeavor with a main goal for weight loss, are in fact flabbergasted that even with the increased physical activity, weight loss does not come easy, in fact many even gain weight. There are a number of reasons for this: 1. the positive reason is because the new athlete may be losing fat, but gaining muscle fiber. Muscle being denser than fat, offsets the scale from budging, but the athlete is getting leaner… HOWEVER, this is not the […]

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