Cranberries – A gift from Mother Nature

  Whether you drink cranberry juice, blend cranberries in smoothies, add cranberries to stuffing or enjoy cranberries in salsa, salads or side dishes, they can keep you healthy any time of the year. They are loaded with Vitamin C and other antioxidants. Their crimson color comes from a flavonoid that may help lower your LDL- (bad) cholesterol, help prevent blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes-and so protect you from heart disease. Their other plant substances may protect from cancers, gum disease and stomach ulcers. Another better known benefit, […]

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Athletes Guide to Holiday Season Survival

With Thanksgiving just past and December holidays imminent, yet another holiday season begins. Just like with Pavlov’s dog, a forthcoming holiday season brings thoughts of cookies and cakes, turkey and trimmings, pumpkin and pecan pies.  Moreover, with racing season on the low down, it is not difficult to pack on the off season pounds. With a survival guide and a plan of action you do not have to forego the traditions and feasts of this time in order to remain at competing weight. In essence, match your nutrition choices to the specific […]

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Nutrition and the Immune System

Winter is on the horizon, and with it comes more colds, sniffling and flu tends to show up. The human body has an innate mechanism which protects against these microorganisms, involving the Thymus gland and its production of T-cells, the combat force against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. The other component of immunity is a reserve of antioxidants, functioning as the body’s systems of defense against internal cell damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable byproducts of the body’s cells use of oxygen to produce energy. The increase in […]

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