Peanut Butter is GREAT Endurance Food

We all know that peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth. But do you know that peanut butter might also help you “stick it out” during a hard workout or an intense race? In fact, peanut butter–yes, that sticky companion to jelly on all those sandwiches your mom made–just might be the best endurance food on the planet. Peanut butter provides a feeling of fullness much longer after you’ve eaten than if you’d munched on carbohydrates in the form of, say, pretzels, a candy bar, or even a […]

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Safe and Effective Carbohydrate Loading

Many athletes, recreational or serious, have their pre-event traditions. All-you-can-eat pasta dinners, including unlimited refills of Gatorade, often fill the evening before the big day. Should this be considered just a fun tradition that many recreational athletes make it out to be or is there truly something to saturating muscles stores with glycogen that serious athletes are seeking?   Carbohydrate loading is defined as a dietary technique designed to promote significant increase in the glycogen content to delay the onset of fatigue. During high intensity and endurance, carbohydrate is the primary […]

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Bike and Run Hydration Strategies

On the Bike Hydration Strategies Drinking on the bike requires a certain level of skill, especially for the beginner. A good place to start is on the stationary trainer. Practice removing your water bottle from the cage and drinking while looking forward. You will need to learn to do this smoothly without taking your eyes off the road. A water bladder such as a Camelbak is a great tool for staying hydrated. Although these are not quite in style yet with the cycling crowd they have distinct advantages over traditional […]

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