What should I eat the week before my marathon?

Should you worry about carbohydrate loading before your marathon?  Is the pre-race pasta party the best answer?  Specifically what should I eat the morning of the race?  You can find all these answers here. Marathon Diet – Carbohydrate Loading Most marathoners, even first timers, have heard of carbohydrate loading -“carbo loading”. Though most have no idea what it really means, beyond a vague notion of eating a lot of pasta the week before their marathon. The old thinking was that you would starve your body of carbohydrates for several days […]

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Ideal foods to eat before your marathon

Now the big day is here!  What are your best food choices for race morning? Before you decide exactly which foods to eat, review our guidelines for what to eat before your training run. If you are reading this the day before your race, you should probably stick to what has worked for you in the past. Don’t be tempted to change anything. If you have not yet settled on a pre-race menu, here are options that work. Foods to eat before the race should be foods that can easily […]

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What should I eat before each marathon training run?

Firstly to ensure your overall marathon training diet is balanced, read Nutrient Balance for Athletic Performance.  You also need to figure out what you can / should eat before each run. During your training, use this time to practice what you will eat on race morning. Don’t overdo it You may not need to eat before every training run. My rule of thumb is I don’t take in any calories if the run is under 10 miles (unless the workout is a speed workout or other intense session). You want […]

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Lose weight by eating all day?

Did You Know That… Munching on just one carrot will meet your vitamin A needs for the entire day? Eating snacks can help prevent overeating? Why snack? Didn’t your mother tell you to eat three square meals a day? Healthy snacks are the perfect way to regulate your metabolism, get the nutrients you need and sustain energy throughout the day. Snacks help you get a balanced diet. People often get busy with work and exercise schedules. They may forget to eat or may not have time for regular meals. Healthy […]

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Surviving the Travel Challenge for Athletes

Whether it is for business or for an event, competitive athletes face many challenges associated with travel. An athlete must maintain a regular eating schedule to ensure proper carbohydrate and protein levels, daily vitamin needs, adequate energy and hydration. Travel, however, very frequently disrupts this schedule and exposes the athlete to foreign food and water which may lead to gastrointestinal distress. This article focuses on key points that will help athletes adapt and reduce the nutrition stress of unfamiliarity. Some of these points include planning ahead, researching destinations and their […]

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HOT OFF THE PRESS – Metabolic Efficiency

I have always struggled with writing articles for scientific purposes. As you can see, if you are a follower of mine, a lot of what I write tends to have a journalistic feel to it. When it comes to science, there are more formal rules and regulations, and your writing is much more carefully monitored and fine combed for errors or inconsistencies by your peers. In fact, for a master’s project it was required as a credit to get something published in a peer-reviewed journal. Something like “The Journal of […]

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Recovery Nutrition

The body stores carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, in very limited amounts. It is thus important to maximize that storage capacity, to prevent the risk of running out of energy before the training session is over.   The enzyme responsible for storing glycogen is elevated after exercise.  It is elevated within 30 minutes post-exercise, but remains above normal levels up to 24 hours later.  It is therefore vital to take in an adequate amount of carbohydrates as soon after exercise as possible.  Adding some protein to that meal or […]

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Race Day Nutrition

Without a doubt, advances in sports nutrition have enabled athletes to make tremendous performance gains, and high-tech, scientifically-derived products (such as bars, gels and sports drinks) are crucial to top race-day results; however, consider that, during long-course events, triathletes race from the early morning until, in many instances, well into the night. During this time, athletes will miss four to six regular meals and snacks — all while the body churns through up to 500 calories per hour. Thus, balanced, well-planned nutrition is required to make up for these missed […]

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Nutrition Periodization for Endurance and Power Athletes

We are all creatures of routine and our diets are no exception. Time strapped athletes tend to gravitate towards the same foods and supplements that allow them to fuel their bodies quickly and effectively. A proper training plan requires changes in training intensities and durations throughout the season and the training week. Nutrition periodization is a hot topic right now. The essence of this plan is to match your diet to the specific requirements of the training phase you are in on a macro level. It is equally important to […]

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