Spring is in the air…  baseball fans are excited about the new season, all the teams have just completed their spring ball and have begun their regular season. Now the games count. Hopefully the previous newsletters have you transitioning into a good groove.  And like baseball, I hope you are in “full swing” to a newer and better you.  Now the pre summer plans count !! Spring also translates to allergy season, so first tip of the month: How to Keep Your Immune System Strong   In 2013, over […]

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Body Temperature: a Metabolic Thermostat

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD   It seems the climate in most areas is a topic of conversation these days. It’s not that we are making small talk with weather conditions, but the unusual climates are setting in. Freezing way before winter starts, or a few hot days emerging in the midst of a cold spell, and vice versa for Summer. So how does a cyclist (or endurance athlete) know how to dress, or even eat accordingly, when they could experience four seasons in a matter of hours. In this […]

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Guide to Holiday Season Survival 

 Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD The difference in energy expenditure between a day off exercise and even an easy exercise day can be enormous. Making small changes even on a daily basis during this time does help compensate for variance in activity factor and caloric expenditure.       Remain Accountable to Optimal Weight.  Being accountable to weight management during this time may seem unfestive, but that is just the point – do not use the “holiday season” as an all-out excuse. After all, it’s a  holiday, not a holimonth.   Plan […]

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Low Carb equals Low Energy

We have been  living in a low carb revolution, but thank goodness it is slowly emerging back to normal. Dr. Atkins was one of the for fathers of this phenomenon. One cannot leave out Barry Sears of The Zone fame, either and somewhat more recently, The South Beach diet, and Paleo diet, for the continued population growth of the carb-limiting fanatics. They are still out there, I come accross it in my practice everyday. But with the emergence of more endurance athletes, and triathlon, there is more of a focus on a balanced […]

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How to Keep a Food Journal

The number one complaint about keeping a food journal is that it is too much work for your busy schedule or that it makes you think more about food. Both of these are probably true. In the beginning, however, driving a car was a lot of effort. Eventually it became second nature and now you can probably drive while eating. By using either of these tools you can also update your food journal while in your car. (not while driving of course ) Keeping a food journal will help you […]

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Planning Your Meals

In my practice,  I find the biggest roadblock to weight loss success is that people do not take the time to plan their day as far as eating goes. So they either wait for meal times, or until they are hungry, and then just see what is convenient to grab. This sets you up to  either not eat enough during the day, or gorge on whatever is available, or just get the most convenient food which is more than likely prepackaged and processed. If you take a few moments in […]

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Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD (a partner in crime) Just the other day I was pleased to see a whole bunch of 5:00am-ers waiting for the gym doors to open. The regulars were there too, most of them with their eye roll to one another (translation: “these new folk will be gone before the next cold days emerges”). According to Time.Com. the most broken resolutions are related to diet and exercise.  So why then do people keep making the same resolutions and breaking them year after year? More importantly, what […]

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Low Carb equals Low Energy

We have been  living in a low carb revolution, but thank goodness it is slowly emerging back to normal. Dr. Atkins was one of the for fathers of this phenomenon. One cannot leave out Barry Sears of The Zone fame, either and somewhat more recently, The South Beach diet, and Paleo diet, for the continued population growth of the carb-limiting fanatics. They are still out there, I come accross it in my practice everyday. But with the emergence of more endurance athletes, and triathlon, there is more of a focus on a balanced […]

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Did you know that most recreational athletes that sign up for an endurance endeavor with a main goal for weight loss, are in fact flabbergasted that even with the increased physical activity, weight loss does not come easy, in fact many even gain weight. There are a number of reasons for this: 1. the positive reason is because the new athlete may be losing fat, but gaining muscle fiber. Muscle being denser than fat, offsets the scale from budging, but the athlete is getting leaner… HOWEVER, this is not the […]

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M.O.D – meal plan of the day!! CHALLENGE!!

Green monster shake  recovery after a morning work out  (made with vanilla protein powder, 1 c spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 c pineapple, and ice and water) mid morn – greek yogurt, lunch: grilled chicken on big salad (lots of veggies, oil and vinegar), 2 hs after lunch: 13 Mary’s gone crackers and 2 Tbsp hummus. mid aft2:  apple and 14 almonds Dinner: stir fry veggies and egg whites, serve over 1/2C  cooked quinoa.

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