I couldn’t have done this without you!
Using Food for Optimal Energy
I couldn’t have done this without you!
Bert writes “Thanks for getting me into shape”
When I left for college, everyone warned me about the “Freshman 15.” However someone failed to mention the 30 pounds that I would gain after college. Once I graduated, my life became incredibly hectic, and my eating habits and workout routine thrown to the wayside. Working two jobs, and was only eating twice-daily, which consisted of grabbing something on the go. And the only workout I had time for with walking up the three flights of stairs to my apartment. My health had taken a backseat and as a result my metabolism slowed down. I knew that I needed to make some lifestyle improvements, but I struggle with finding the motivation to get started.
My motivation came when I was set to be the maid of honor and her friends wedding and bridesmaid dresses arrived. Evidently I had been a little ambitious well ordered my dress as it was entirely too small. I needed to lose two dress sizes in order to set up, and with only five weeks until the wedding I knew that was going to have to work quickly and diligently.
In addition to the other jobs, I am an intern on the Bert show at All The Hits Q100. When my coworkers heard about my dilemma, they wanted to help. (Or maybe they just saw a really good radio hit brewing!). The host of the show challenged me to lose the weight. Each week I gave it updated my progress on air I kept an online journal and posted pictures on the website for listeners to follow my progress. The good news: the show did make me go it alone. One of the show host Bert Weiss connected me with his nutritionist, Ilana Katz and personal trainer. During my initial meeting with them, we discussed my weight loss goals which were more about losing inches and pounds, and they inquired about my current eating and exercise habits. I reluctantly wait in and Ilana took my measurements
February is often associated with Valentines; in February I usually focus on “heart health” for my newsletter theme.
Whoever coined the phrase “You are what you eat” was rather insightful, because much of what you eat can be a life or death matter. I cannot stress enough that proper nutrition should be the highest priority to help reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.
Taking a look at the food you eat is like taking an inside look into your heart. One key goal is to reduce the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol to help lower or keep blood cholesterol in check.
Separate the “better for you” foods from the rest. Make sure you have Read the rest of this story…
Winter is definitely here, and with that more colds, sniffling and flu tends to show up. The human body has an innate mechanism which protects against these microorganisms, involving the Thymus gland and its production of T-cells, the combat force against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. The other component of immunity is a reserve of antioxidants, functioning as the body’s systems of defense against internal cell damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable byproducts of the body’s cells use of oxygen to produce energy. The increase in free radicals generated during strenuous exercise may degrade the immune system. Because antioxidants are available in our food source, they have become a nutrition icon particularly amongst athletes. On hearing about these metabolic busy bodies, athletes are curious as to whether they need to include antioxidants as dietary supplements to boost immunity.
Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants
Free radical formation is Continue Reading »