Portion Size Quiz

1. A typical bagel is nutritionally equal to four slices of bread.

a. True
b. False

2. Your waiter delivers your entrée with broccoli on the side, as you requested. You know it’s an appropriate portion because it’s the size of:

a. A mango
b. A can of soup
c. A tight fist.
d. Your palm

3. When you shop for fish, you estimate how much to purchase by assuming that each person needs a portion the size of:

a. A compact disc.
b. An ice cube.
c. Your palm.

4. At a buffet, you dish yourself up some rice, making sure it’s about the size of:

a. softball
b. A tennis ball
c. A golf ball
d. A marble

5. The place where you usually have brunch uses just the right amount of batter for its pancakes; you can tell, because each one is the perfect amount for a single serving of grains, which is the size of:

a. A Frisbee
b. A makeup compact
c. A silver dollar
d. A compact disc.

6. One serving of orange juice is equal to 16 ounces.

a. True
b. False

7. At a cocktail party, you make a beeline for the cheese platter. You allow yourself just a couple of servings, and each one is the size of:

a. A sugar cube.
b. A 9-volt battery
c. A business card.

1. A typical bagel is nutritionally equal to four slices of bread. a. True

Bagels continue to grow in size — they now typically range anywhere from four to six ounces, depending on the bagel shop, and register approximately four servings a pop! Since it is recommended that you stick to six to nine servings of breads and grains per day (unless you’re very active; then you can have up to 11), eat 1 bagel for breakfast and you’ve already consumed roughly half your quota — before noon! Next time you crave a bagel, try eating just half of one and saving the rest for later or even the next day. And opt for whole-grain!

2. Your waiter delivers your entrée with broccoli on the side, as you requested. You know it’s an appropriate portion because it’s the size of: c. A tight fist.

While vegetables (if prepared healthfully) are indeed great for you, it’s good to know exactly what a serving size is so you don’t overload on calories. One woman’s tight fist is equivalent to approximately ½ cup, the standard serving for cooked vegetables as well as cut fruit, pasta and rice. No matter where you go, you can gauge your serving size by using your fist!

3. When you shop for fish, you estimate how much to purchase by assuming that each person needs a portion the size of: c. Your palm.

Your body needs only two to three servings of meat per day, but given the average portion sizes, many of us eat that much at every single meal! Each serving is two to three ounces, which just about fits in the palm of a woman’s hand. When eating meat, be sure to opt for leaner choices, such as fish, white-meat turkey, chicken breast and pork tenderloin. The equivalent vegetarian single serving would be one cup of beans, approximately two fists’ worth.

4. At a buffet, you dish yourself up some rice, making sure it’s about the size of: b. A tennis ball.

It’s very easy to get portion distortion at a buffet with industrial-size serving utensils, gigantic plates and buckets of food. If you’re not careful, you could wind up eating several times the recommended amount for one person! Carbs such as rice can be especially difficult to judge, since they’re not served in a single chunk. Envisioning the size of a tennis ball is a helpful guideline.

5. The place where you usually have brunch uses just the right amount of batter for its pancakes; you can tell, because each one is the perfect amount for a single serving of grains, which is the size of: d. A compact disc.

CD-sized pancake is equivalent to one bread serving, but when was the last time you were served a portion that size? If your pancakes are significantly bigger, it’s possible that you’re getting all your bread servings for the day in one meal. Reduce your portion of flapjacks by splitting your dish with a friend or just not cleaning your plate.

6. One serving of orange juice is equal to 8 ounces. b. False

One serving of juice is equal to ¾ cup, or 6 ounces, which is about the size of a wine glass or a Styrofoam coffee cup. Given all the sugar in most juices, downing a supersize glass of the stuff can leave you taking in up to 400 calories — and that’s in addition to whatever you’re eating.

7. At a cocktail party, you make a beeline for the cheese platter. You allow yourself just a couple of servings, and each one is the size of: b. A 9-volt battery.

One serving of natural (not processed) cheese is 1½ ounces. Even though you have to watch out for the high fat and cholesterol content of many cheeses, it’s still important to get two to three daily servings of dairy in order to meet your calcium needs. If dairy is not your thing, try to eat at least three other calcium-rich foods, including calcium-fortified orange juice and cereal, tofu, and fish with bones, such as salmon or sardines.

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