Happy New Year! Yes, another year, another resolution. Are you like the majority of promise-makers? Most people resolve to improve health and fitness. The following consistently appear at the top of NEW YEARS resolution surveys: Lower my risk for the nation’s three top killers — heart disease, cancer, and stroke. How – engage in 45-60 mins. of moderately-intense activity (e.g. brisk walking, cycling, jogging or swimming) on most days of the week, supplement with a healthy diet. Sharpen my mind and improve my mood. How – engage in 45-60 mins. […]
Flax – the Miracle Seed ILANA KATZ, MS, RD, CSSD The science of nutrition has so much to offer and when buzz words stick around for more than a few months, we know its worth investigating the empirical evidence behind the buzz. Flaxseeds is one of those that has been around for sometime now, and most people are getting them in some form or another if they are conscious of healthy eating by any measure. Studies show that flaxseed may help fight everything from heart disease and diabetes to even […]