October Newsletter

It’s no secret that 2020 has been challenging. If it were a sports game, it would be the toughest game in history. The thing is, we’re  moving into the 4th quarter and we cannot give up.    Feeling anxious and stressed? Grab a bag of chips, cookies, or candy to melt the worries away.  However, after you finish eating, you don’t feel any less stressed than you did before. Actually, you feel even more stressed because now you feel guilty for overeating, and you are too tired to exercise.   […]

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Viscous Cycle of Binge Eating and Depression    

Ilana Katz MS, RD, CSSD What may feel good in the moment, may lead to chronic depression – something that we may all be dealing with in regards to our current pandemic. Stress, boredom, frustration are all emotional triggers that can lead to comfort foods. Comfort foods are more likely to be laden with fat, salt and sugar which can temporarily satisfy an emotional need, it can have longer-term effects on both physical and mental health.  In short, binge-eating can create a cycle of eating and depression.  Awareness, mindfulness and […]

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ILANA KATZ MS, RD, CSSD Remaining hydrated is a key element to optimal performance.  Even a 1-2% drop in body weight due to fluid loss can drastically affect endurance. As a sports nutritionist, I train many athletes to be aware of the importance of hydration. However, to simply have the fluid available is no good if it is not consumed. So although this topic may be a tangent to sports nutrition itself, it may offer some great tips, particularly beginners who may either struggle with balance on the bike, or […]

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