Differences in Proteins

Protein is your most metabolic active tissue, which means, the more muscle mass you have, the more potential you have to burn fat. I have recently been asked a number of questions about the differences and the value of certain types of protein. Although food is always a first preference for protein rebuild and recovery, protein supplements also provide the building blocks for muscle growth.  Hopefully this article can uncover some mysteries behind the types of protein supplements on the market, when and how much to use of which (including […]

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The Real Value of Protein

ILANA KATZ MS, RD, CSSD Different activities require different energy, or metabolic, requirements on muscles and as a result, muscles necessitate different nutritional components when they work for speed, power, and/or endurance.  A burst of energy, or high power and speed, over a short period of time are called anaerobic activities, which are almost entirely reliant upon glycogen (muscle carbohydrates) and phosphocreatine (source of energy for muscular contraction).  Resistance training presents an obstacle in terms of balancing the anaerobic system with the aerobic system.  The nutritional challenges for resistance training […]

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