Low carb is out; BRING BACK POTATO

pot3   Grilling out is now in season, and what better addition to a good grill than a baked potato.  The low carb craze left the potato a little misunderstood. A medium-size potato with the skin contains only about 100 calories and is a great source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

What’s more, new evidence shows that potatoes contain phytochemicals, which are nutrients that are being studied for their role in protecting us from diseases, like cancer, heart disease, etc.  Here are some tips to bring back the potato and give it the dignity it deserves:

  • Top potato with salsa or chopped broccoli and low-fat cheese,
  • Greek style yogurt served on a potato has similar texture and taste, and is phenomenally nutritious.
  • Try different variety of potatoes.
  • Use potatoes in soups and stews to add thickness, texture and of course good nutrition.


Some More Potato Dishes

Potatoes La Veggie


Green pepper
red onion


Slice potato. Chop up all the veggies. In a non-stick pan, likely sauté potatoes and veggies like hash browns.

Oven Baked “fries”

2 large potatoes

1 egg white

½ tsp ground red pepper

1 large sweet potato

1 Tbs chili powder

½ tsp Mrs. Dash

Beat egg white. Stir in chili and spices. Add potatoes. Coat with spices. In a non-stick oven dish, bake at 4500 for 35 – 40 minutes.


Mashed Potatoes

Use 1 potato per serving

Bake potatoes at 4000 for 1 hour. Wrap 2 -3 unpeeled garlic cloves and/or small onions in foil and roast in the oven at same time as potatoes. Slice potatoes in half, scoop out insides. Mash with a fork. Squeeze garlic/onions out of their skins and mash with potatoes. Add water or salt free chicken broth for some extra liquid texture. Add some black ground pepper for taste. Serve.

Baked potato

On top of medium baked potato, add lots of salsa, chopped parsley, chopped green onion and ½ tsp chili powder.

Potato salad (makes 2 servings per potato used)

Cube ready made potato. Add 1 cooked egg per medium potato. Mix in a bowl together with 2 Tbsp of plain greek yogurt per whole medium potato. Add finely chopped celery and onions.
