Happy New DECADE! THEME: “decadent” goals   Not only is it a new year, but a new DECADE!  Where do YOU stand on resolutions? Are you like the majority of promise-makers? Most people resolve to improve health and fitness.  Well, if you’re like most Americans (88%)*, you have at least one resolution. And, if you are like the majority of these promise-makers, your resolution is probably related to health and fitness.  *GNC Poll Research          Within the wellness industry, surveys show that top resolutions include: Lower my risk […]

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October Newsletter

It’s no secret that 2020 has been challenging. If it were a sports game, it would be the toughest game in history. The thing is, we’re  moving into the 4th quarter and we cannot give up.    Feeling anxious and stressed? Grab a bag of chips, cookies, or candy to melt the worries away.  However, after you finish eating, you don’t feel any less stressed than you did before. Actually, you feel even more stressed because now you feel guilty for overeating, and you are too tired to exercise.   […]

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September 2022Newsletter

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shifted many of our daily routines, including the ways we eat. Perhaps you have stocked up on packaged foods and find yourself cooking at home more than usual. As we adjust, you may want to think about ways you and your family can eat more healthfully.  Hopefully my September newsletter can offer some tips and hacks for this challenging time. =====   A SIMPLE CHECKLIST FOR PLANNING BEING A FIRST AIM OF FIRE Planning – an old addage “fail to plan” leads to “plan to fail” […]

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August 2022 Newsletter

A is for August and for Antioxidants   This month’s hot topic to address is the benefits of consuming antioxidants. Many people have heard of antioxidants, but may not be aware of what it actually is and what it does for the body that makes them beneficial. Well, read on, and you will know all about antioxidants!    An antioxidant is a dietary substance that can prevent damage to the cells in the body or repair damage that has already been done. Damage can occur due to oxidation, which is […]

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Its April, and that means warmer temperatures. With the change of season, we are soon going to be experiencing the heat and humidity. Well, what does this mean in the world of nutrition?  You got it, the importance of hydration!! Not that hydration is less important in winter, however, with the heat it is often more difficult to stay hydrated.  My main point is, do not rely on thirst as an indicator You should become accustomed to consuming fluids without feeling “thirsty”. Enough fluid should be consumed so that your […]

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Did you know that May is Mental Health Month No matter if you or someone you know struggles with mental illness, proper nutrition and exercise can boost your mood! If you’re looking to increase your energy, decrease your stress, alleviate anxiety, or up your spirits, you might want to give some of these a try: Oily fish (example: Mackerel): contain vitamin D which increases serotonin to boost your mood. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds: rich in omega-3-fatty acids and essential nutrients which can help to reduce symptoms of Depression and Insomnia. Vanilla […]

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Gluten is the protein in wheat that has received much attention in the media lately. I get many questions on whether or not it is an option worth choosing.  I am thus dedicating this newsletter to some interesting facts, tips, recipes, and tid bits on gluten, to hopefully help each individual decide. It is a lifestyle choice, and it is not always simple!        “Should I Go Gluten Free?” One of the latest trends is a gluten free diet with an increasing variety of GF products available in grocery […]

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August Newsletter 2018

August 2018 Newsletter:  This month’s hot topic to address is the benefits of consuming antioxidants. Many people have heard of antioxidants, but may not be aware of what it actually is and what it does for the body that makes them beneficial. Well, read on, and you will know all about antioxidants!                             What in the heck are ANTIOXIDANTS??         An antioxidant is a dietary substance that can prevent damage to the cells in the body or repair damage that has already been done. Damage can occur […]

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More than half the year has now gone: Have you reached at least half the goals you set for 2017 yet? Summer is a great time to be healthy and/or lose weight because foods are light, fruits and vegetables are at their prime and the weather provides no excuses for avoiding exercise. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS IN SEASON FOR HEALTH Summer offers lots of variety in fruits and veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are most nutritious and best tasting when they are picked at their peak. It is thus important […]

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June 2018 Newsletter

June is Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Month! Therefore, this newsletter is about why fruits and vegetables are so important and the recommended amount to eat. A great way to find organic, fresh and colorful produce, is visiting a Farmer’s Market. Stay tuned to find helpful links to find your nearest farmer’s market. Lastly, who doesn’t love a good salad? Hopefully you will love the recipe of the month, a simple but adventurous, nutritious and delicious hearty salad. Why Fruits and Vegetables? These inspiring foods: ¨Are full of vitamins and minerals […]

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