There is not a more American month of the Year than July, and it is synonymous with outdoor parties, fireworks and good times. The French also celebrate their own revelation this month on Bastille Day and let’s not forget the Italians as they gave us Lasagna.  Have a happy Independence day – here some fun tidbits to keep in mind for July ILANA =================================================================================== Bastille Day Picnic       Bastille day is a celebration in France similar to our fourth of July. So why not enjoy the beautiful summer […]

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June 2023– newsletter

Nutrition for Beauty According to the Georgian calendar, which is used over most of the world today, June is the sixth month. On the Roman calendar, it was considered the fourth month and had only 29 days. Julius Ceasar gave the month 30 days in 46 B.C., when he reformed the Roman calendar. Spring ends and summer begins around June  21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the time that the flowers are beautiful. It is especially the month for roses. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at this time and […]

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JUNE 2023 Newsletter

We are still living in unusual times, and we are all probably coming to terms with certain changes will be forever. However, there will always be a reason to stay healthy and keep your immune system boosted, specially in these times.  I hope to focus on some immune boosting tips and nutrients nd for those not yet feeling ready to venture out, to keep accountable on finding a schedule with meal planning to avoid emotional or boredom or stress eating, huh? JUNE to IMMUNE Start with what may seem obvious […]

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For all you baseball fans,  we would have been in a regular season if it were not for our current pandemic situation. Lets unite and make sure that future games count. Hopefully the previous newsletters have you transitioning  into a good groove and that a new normal will find you safe and healthy.  And like baseball will soon be, we hope you are in “full swing” into the You you want to accomplish.  May May be a Healthy Month! How to Keep Your Immune System Strong In 2009, over 70% […]

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April 2023 Newsletter

National Garden Month The weather is now prime for starting gardens of fruits and vegetables, while getting some great exercise at the same time. All the fresh fruits and veggies from your garden with their vibrant colors are naturally dense with anti-oxidants and immune boosters. In this crazy time of self-quarantining, this could be one of the most healthful and preventative act to follow! Berries in particular, naturally contain A, B, and C and stimulate the immune system. There is a fair amount of research that shows the complex natural […]

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March Newsletter 2023

GREEN IS THE THEME Oh yeah, y’all — St. Patty’s day! Now, in the spirit of celebrating this most festive of holidays responsibly, here are some topics on how incorporating more “green” in our lives will allow us to eat healthier, celebrate conscientiously, all while helping out our mother earth. St. Patty’s Day Fun Fact St. Patrick was actually of Scottish descent, not Irish, and contrary to popular folklore he never chased any snakes out of Ireland. Environment Have you heard of “Carbon footprint”? Well in short, it is a […]

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March 2023 Newsletter

Its March already, y’all!!  March is also National Nutrition month. So the key to achieving optimal health cannot be found in any one food, drink, pill or machine, but rather through commitment to healthy lifestyle behaviors, focused on maintainable and enjoyable eating practices and daily physical activity. Therefore I am taking the opportunity in this newsletter for some tips to hone in on the “low hanging fruit” (pun intended.) In other words, list of principles for a healthy lifestyle. Get in touch with your Requirements: Factors that individualize one’s metabolism […]

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February 2023 – Newsletter

February is underway… For those of you finding that a new week, a new month, a new year and this time even a new decade, enables a process of NEW ME. Not necessarily resolutions, but new goals — How are you doing on those? Tips for keeping that NEW fire alight and alive: MAKE YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE: If you ever want to accomplish a goal… tell someone. If no one ever knew about your commitments, it may be all too easy to forget they ever existed and slip back into old […]

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February is often associated with Valentines; in February I usually focus on “heart health”  for my newsletter theme. Whoever coined the phrase “You are what you eat” was rather insightful, because much of what you eat can be a life or death matter. I cannot stress enough that proper nutrition should be the highest priority to help reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Taking a look at the food you eat is like taking an inside look […]

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Happy New Year! Nothing much changes from year to year, when it comes to making resolutions.  Each year the following resolutions are most popular: drink less alcohol get a better education or job eat healthy food / get fit / lose weight manage debt /stress quit smoking go green save money volunteer to help others In a study published in the American Journal of Health, researchers at the University of Missouri found that, after looking at over 99,000 participants,  any method that utilizes recording and tracking activity and results significantly […]

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