There is not a more American month of the Year than July, and it is synonymous with outdoor parties, fireworks and good times.

American Flag eagle

With that said, it is also a time to contemplate a midway point – Since more than half the year has now gone: Have you reached at least half the goals you set for 2016 yet?

Summer also comes with lots of great fresh produce, it’s a time of good, sweet and juicy fruit selections which we normally do not see in abundance in the other seasons. Time to capitalize on our earthly givings:


apple ruit


Fresh fruits and vegetables are most nutritious and best tasting when picked at their peak. It is thus important to recognize the signs of good quality and freshness.

Take the time to observe the environment where produce items are located. Is the area organized and clean? Some fruits and vegetables need to be kept at a certain temperature to maintain peak freshness. Bruised or wilted foods suggest they were not handled properly and/or they are past their prime. Damaged areas or bruises can increase spoilage and cause nutrient loss.


Pick your own! Picking your own selection of fruits or vegetables tends to increase quality when compared to buying prepackaged fruits or vegetables that have already been bagged for convenience.

Often, using frozen fruits or vegetables is an option. Frozen fruits and vegetables are a convenient way to store produce items for extended periods of times. It can be practical to buy frozen fruits that may not always be available fresh.

Canned fruits also offer convenience. They have already been cooked, sealed and processed and thus any nutrients can be retained due to picking at peak quality and efficient canning.

When it comes to fresh, frozen or canned produce, use what best fits your lifestyle. The main goal is to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet and aim for at least five servings a day.


Smoothies are a great option for Nutritious inbetweeners on hot summer days.

One of my favourites:

cherry smoothie

Make a peppermint-cherry smoothie:

Blend together:

1 scoop vanilla whey protein

1 C fresh or frozen cherries

½ tsp peppermint extract

2 Tbsp Greek or plain yogurt

6 – 8 cubes ice

1 cup water

(optional) Truvia / stevia

Cals : 215             Carbs: 24g                 Fat: 2g                   Pro: 24g



tg charlie

When selecting fresh peaches, look for firm but well-colored fruit. They should be in their prime in July. Avoid green peaches, since they will not ripen once plucked. Although they will soften, they lack a good flavor.

Buy avocados slightly under ripe. They should be almost firm when pressure is applied. Avocados ripen quickly at room temperature, and placing them in a brown paper bag hastens the process.

A sure test for checking corn on the cob for freshness is to puncture a kernel with a sharp object. Ripe corn will spurt “milk” if pressed; under ripe corn will contain a watery liquid, and overripe corn will have tough kernels.


 Fitness Corner


tri 3 at once

Use the water to get into fitness:

Kick with a kick-board or while holding on to the side of the pool to tone legs, buttocks and stomach. Do flutter kicks as well as frog kicks. Do leg lifts to condition legs, buttocks and stomach. Holding on to the side of the pool, lift each leg 10 times in front of you, behind you and to each side.

 july swim 2

Run in the water to increase your heart rate. Many people who can’t run on land can run in the water without a problem. Because of the water’s resistance, the impact on your body is far less. In chest-high water, begin by running with your hands on your head, and as you become more fit, paddle with your arms.

july swim

Bob up and down in the water to improve breathing and muscle tone.

Tread water to improve arm and leg strength.


Summer Frozen drinks seem like a great idea, but beware –  

july frappe

The Venti Strawberry and Creme Frappuccino with whipped cream at

Starbucks is equal to a double cheese burger and small fries at McDonald’s

in calories and fat, and then there is the sugar too:

770 calories, 19g of fat and a whopping 122g of sugar!


Recipe Selection of the Season

july - potatoes

Here is a simple, quick, and delicious potato salad. It is the perfect side dish for your 4th of July BBQ… and the best part: Greek yogurt instead of mayo enhances the nutrition value

Herb Potato Salad                             (4 servings)                        

1 ½ lb potatoes, scrub & cut into 1” pieces
1 tsp salt
1 ½ tsp sherry or white-wine vinegar
Freshly ground pepper to taste
¼ cup nonfat plain yogurt
2 TBS Greek yogurt
1 TBS Dijon mustard
1/3 cup chopped celery
¼ cup chopped scallions
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley
1 TBS chopped fresh dill (optional)

july - potatoes

Place cut-up potatoes in salted boiling water. Cook potatoes over medium heat until tender (8 -10 mins). Drain in a colander and transfer to a large bowl. Toss with vinegar and season generously with pepper. Set the potatoes aside to cool.
Whisk together yogurt, Greek yogurt and mustard in a small bowl. Add the dressing to the reserved potatoes along with celery, scallions, parsley and dill, stirring gently to combine. Season with salt and pepper.

july - potatoes

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Per serving: 155 cals; 1g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 33 g carbs; 6 g protein; 3 g fiber; 288 mg sodium; 981 mg potassium.
Nutrition bonus: Potassium (28% daily value).

jarro cover      HAPPY 4TH Y’ALL